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  • Peter Sexton
    August 19, 2023
    I'm sure the sound on this remaster must be superior to the original vinyl mix and this album really shows that David (with the help of Ronson) must have influenced acts like Alice Cooper & Queen. Prior to the REALITY tour, David was just a couple of compilation albums in my collection. The 2013 NOTHING HAS CHANGED set made me interested his earlier work that didn't have much exposure on the pop stations an 11yr old was listening to. Only knew 4 songs of this album but am loving the quality & range of styles the Metrobolist demonstrates.
  • Jeff Myers
    March 7, 2023
    timeless Bowie work that remains relevant... CD and production of superior quality... recording and re-mastering excellent... I started listening to Bowie in 1973 and continue to enjoy his music today... he is greatly missed... the thin white duke...
  • Corey Cleven
    May 26, 2021
    I'm really impressed with the sound of this new mix. It really feels like an entirely new album. This is the fourth version on CD that I've owned, and by far my favorite. I keep hearing odd new pieces in the arrangements that either were very low in the mix or otherwise absent in other releases, which I think makes this iteration of the album all the worthwhile. The new mix of 'Savior Machine' makes the album all the more haunting for me, and well worth the price of getting this new mix. It's among my very favorite Bowie albums, and it's great to hear it given such great respect.
  • Dr. Richards
    November 18, 2020
    This remix of TMWSTW is just amazing! As long as Tony Visconti is at the mixing board, David's music will always sound amazing! Tony Visconti is to David Bowie what George Martin (and Giles Martin too) is to The Beatles! The music is so fresh sounding, it's like hearing it for the very first time again! I cranked the speakers up and close my eyes and I felt like I was in the studio..Great job on the remix...